Content Marketing

Content Marketing Services

You might have heard that content is king. Then wouldn’t the quality content outweigh the averagely written content? Our content marketing team develops and promotes quality and SEO friendly content for your business in the form of personalized blogs, web content, copywriting and video content.

Hence, if you want to make a digital marketing strategy, then adding content marketing in your strategy can prove to be very powerful. It won’t just increase your website’s conversion rates, it increases brand awareness and website’s traffic. All these facts show the essentials of content marketing which helps a company grow.

Content Strategy & Research

So how does the process of content marketing works? It starts from building a complete understanding between our content marketing team and your company’s complete profile, so our team can create the right and custom content for you. We help you develop your content marketing strategy, and hereby helping search engine and driving more traffic for your business.

Then comes keyword research which is very important since it tells us the search volume of certain keywords, competition of keywords, cost-per-click which determines the potential value of keywords, and one of the critical steps is to check the user-intent of keywords.

Content Development & Creation

Our custom content marketing strategy always involves a content calendar, which includes writing and delivering deadlines for content so you can review the work each day. And then our teams of expert writers and designers work together to create different types of content, which is according to your needs.

All this includes content types such as long-form content which covers articles and general web content, blog posts, white-papers, guides, infographics, and more. Every type of content is different and it all depends on your company’s unique needs.

Additional Services

Our team of writers optimize your content for search by creating persuasive title tags and meta-descriptions. This way the result that the content gives is content marketing and as well as SEO.

In addition to that, our content marketing experts also handle content promotion. The content gets shared on sites and different social media platforms, whichever suits best for your business type. Besides that, we also use paid strategies to promote the content even more.

Our Content Creation Portfolio

Below are few of the many company sites for which Tech In Design’s team of writers did content marketing for.

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